Tote-AlongsConvenient to store and transport, our portable tote tanks range in size from 5 to 42 gallons. Available in two-wheel and four-wheel designs, these durable tanks come completely assembled along with a 5-foot sewer hose.
Power JacksTake the physical exertion out of cranking a trailer up or down. Employ one of Barker's reliable, easy-to-operate, high-quality power jacks, and you'll be sure to start and finish your trip on a high note.
SlidewindersProtect your slide out room when extended for prolonged periods. Barker's universal Slidewinder adjusts from 19 to 47 inches above ground. Made of heavy-duty steel, this set of two supports all slide out rooms up to 5,000 pounds.
Auto DrainsJust push a switch to dump your RV's black and gray water tank. Clean, easy, and automatic, the Barker Auto Drain directly mounts to the conventional slide valve and requires no adjustments or difficult clamps to install.
SnapsMount your 5th wheel rig with ease with these spring-loaded, clean, one-handed locking pins. No longer must you kneel down in the mud, rain, and dirt to get that darn clevis pin in place. Available in all-steel or composite construction.
VentStiksHigh RV ceilings are now in reach with the VentStik. Invented by an RVer for RVers, the VentStik makes it easy to open or close any manually-operated RV vent in seconds with both feet firmly on the ground. Good-bye ladders!
Fresh Water Tank KitsFresh Water Tank Kits
5th Wheel Leg Leveler5th Wheel Leg Levelers
AccessoriesStorage equipment and accessories for power jacks and tote tanks. Keep your Barker products looking and working great with these durable accessories.
Vintage RV PartsBarker also manufactures custom-designed replacement parts for vintage and older-model RVs. Contact us today for a quote.